Abstract-This paper aims to introduce some key parameters for the tracking application in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the Nearest Closer protocol has been implemented in Jsim simulation platform, and consequently some useful trade-off analysis results among the density, reliability and lifetime have been obtained. Based on these results, two evaluation models are proposed.
Index Terms-J-Sim; Nearest Closer; Evaluation Model
I INTRODUCTIONWIRELESS sensor network consists of a number of sensors deployed either randomly or in a pre-determined state in a given two or three dimensional space, thus forming a network of sensors. The sensors are designed to measure one or more physical quantities in the space, such as temperature or location. The sensors need to transmit this collected data to the end-user, who often will be outside of the space being measured, which could well be a dangerous environment. As the sensors concerned are wireless they are typically powered by a battery with a finite lifetime and power output, it may be impossible or impracticable to recharge or replace such batteries. Thus in a real wireless sensor network a number of parameters naturally need to be considered such as energy consumption, network lifetime and network throughput. The network may be assigned a routing protocol. There exist a lot of routing protocols, so to choose the suitable routing protocol has become a significant problem.
AThe routing protocols can be divided into three main types: flat protocols, location-based protocols and hierarchical protocols. Single-hop, Nearest Closer and LEACH are typical and basic routing protocols for these three types respectively.We have integrated the Single-hop and LEACH [1] protocols into the simulation tool J-Sim and provided mathematical models for each protocol. This paper will focus on the multi-hop routing protocol.The multi-hop protocol we realized in J-Sim is called Nearest Closer protocol. To implement this protocol each node has to know: its own position, the position of its neighbours within its transmission range and the position of the sink node. The main idea in the Nearest Closer protocol is that the distance between the receiver sensor node and the sink node is shorter than the distance between the transmitter sensor and the sink node. In addition, the transmitter sensor will transmit to its nearest neighbour that is closer to the sink node.In this paper, the relationships among density, lifetime, and reliability will be investigated for the Nearest Closer protocol by simulating the tracking application. Based on the results of these parameters, two intelligent evaluation models will be proposed. This means that wireless sensor network users can predict lifetime and reliability directly. Thus sensor nodes can be deployed in such a network without further simulations.The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes some details of J-Sim. Section 3 defines the evaluation parameters. Section 4 focuses on the experimental set-up information. Secti...