The heart's physiological performance, unlike that of skeletal muscle, is regulated primarily by variations in the contractile force developed by the individual myocardial fibers. In an attempt to identify the basis for the characteristic properties of myocardial contraction, the individual cardiac contractile proteins and their behavior in contractile models in vitro have been examined. The low shortening velocity of heart muscle appears to reflect the weak ATPase activity of cardiac myosin, but this enzymatic activity probably does not determine active state intensity. Quantification of the effects of Ca ++ upon cardiac actomyosin supports the view that myocardial contractility can be modified by changes in the amount of calcium released during excitationcontraction coupling. Exchange of intracellular K + with Na + derived from the extracellular space also could enhance myocardial contractility directly, as highly purified cardiac actomyosin is stimulated when K + is replaced by an equimolar amount of Na +. On the other hand, cardiac glycosides and catecholamines, agents which greatly increase the contractility of the intact heart, were found to be without significant actions upon highly purified reconstituted cardiac actomyosin.Regulation of contraction in mammalian cardiac and skeletal muscle, which have many common biochemical and morphological features, is achieved by different physiological mechanisms. Rapid trains of stimuli delivered to a skeletal muscle fiber through its motor nerve enhance tension development by causing the summation of individual contractile responses or, in its fully developed form, a powerful tetanic contraction. In the heart, on the other hand, fusion of contractile responses does not occur because the refractory period persists almost to the end of the active state. Recruitment of increasing numbers of active motor units plays a major role in augmenting the tension developed by a skeletal muscle, whereas all fibers of the heart, which is a functional syncytium, are normally activated during each cardiac systole.The tension generated by both cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers is influenced by initial fiber length (the length-tension relationship of skeletal muscle, and Starling's law of the heart), but the relatively less compliant myocardial fiber appears to operate with shorter sarcomeres than does that x85