While traditionally the computerized tomography of a function f ∈ L 2 (R 2 ) depends on the samples of its Radon transform at multiple angles, the real-time imaging sometimes requires the reconstruction of f by the samples of its Radon transform R p f at a single angle θ, where p = (cos θ, sin θ) is the direction vector. This naturally leads to the question of identifying those functions that can be determined by their Radon samples at a single angle θ. The shift-invariant space V (ϕ, Z 2 ) generated by ϕ is a type of function space that has been widely considered in many fields including wavelet analysis and signal processing. In this paper we examine the single-angle reconstruction problem for compactly supported functions f ∈ V (ϕ, Z 2 ). The central issue for the problem is to identify the eligible p and sampling set X p ⊆ R such that f can be determined by its single-angle Radon (w.r.t p) samples at X p . For the general generator ϕ, we address the eligible p for the two cases: (1) ϕ being nonvanishing ( R 2 ϕ(x)dx = 0) and (2) being vanishing ( R 2 ϕ(x)dx = 0). We prove that eligible X p exists for general ϕ. In particular, X p can be explicitly constructed if ϕ ∈ C 1 (R 2 ). Positive definite functions form an important class of functions that have been widely applied in scattered data interpolation. The single-angle problem corresponding to the case that ϕ being positive definite is addressed such that X p can be constructed easily. Besides using the samples of the single-angle Radon transform, another common feature for our recovery results is that the number of the required samples is minimum.