Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase and gastric H ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase are two related enzymes that are responsible for active cation transport. Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase activity is inhibited specifically by ouabain, whereas H ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase is insensitive to this drug. Because it is not known which parts of the catalytic subunit of Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase are responsible for ouabain binding, we prepared chimeras in which small parts of the ␣-subunit of H ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase were replaced by their counterparts of the ␣1-subunit of rat Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase. A chimeric enzyme in which transmembrane segments 5 and 6 of H ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase were replaced by those of Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase could form a phosphorylated intermediate, but hardly showed a K ؉ -stimulated dephosphorylation reaction. When transmembrane segments 3 and 4 of Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase were also included in this chimeric ATPase, K ؉ -stimulated dephosphorylation became apparent. This suggests that there is a direct interaction between the hairpins M3-M4 and M5-M6. Remarkably, this chimeric enzyme, HN34͞56, had obtained a high-affinity ouabain-binding site, whereas the rat Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase, from which the hairpins originate, has a low affinity for ouabain. The low affinity of the rat Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase previously had been attributed to the presence of two charged amino acids in the extracellular domain between M1 and M2. In the HN34͞56 chimera, the M1͞M2 loop, however, originates from H ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase, which has two polar uncharged amino acids on this position. Placement of two charged amino acids in the M1͞M2 loop of chimera HN34͞56 results in a decreased ouabain affinity. This indicates that although the M1͞M2 loop affects the ouabain affinity, binding occurs when the M3͞M4 and M5͞M6 hairpins of Na ؉ ,K ؉ -ATPase are present.