Let X be an arithmetic scheme (i.e., separated, of finite type over Spec Z) of Krull dimension 1. For the associated zeta function ζ(X, s), we write down a formula for the special value at s = n < 0 in terms of the étale motivic cohomology of X and a regulator. We prove it in the case when for each generic point η ∈ X with char κ(η) = 0, the extension κ(η)/Q is abelian. We conjecture that the formula holds for any onedimensional arithmetic scheme. This is a consequence of the Weil-étale formalism developed by the author in [2] and [3], following the work of Flach and Morin [8]. We also calculate the Weil-étale cohomology of one-dimensional arithmetic schemes and show that our special value formula is a particular case of the main conjecture from [3].