Type 2d iabetes (T2D) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) belongt ot he 10 deadliest diseases and are sorely lacking in effectivet reatments. Both pathologies are part of the degenerative disordersn amed amyloidoses, whichi nvolve the misfolding andt he aggregation of amyloid peptides, hIAPP for T2D and Ab 1-42 for AD. While hIAPP and Ab 1-42 inhibitorsh ave been essentiallyd esigned to target b-sheetrich structures composing the toxic amyloid oligomers and fibrils of these peptides, the strategy aiming at trapping the non-toxic monomers in their helical native conformation has been rarely explored.W er eport herein the first example of helicalf oldamers as dual inhibitors of hIAPPa nd Ab 1-42 aggregation and able to preserve the monomeric species of both amyloid peptides. Af oldamer composed of 4-amino-(methyl)-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid (ATC) units, adopting a9-helix structure reminiscent of 3 10 helix, was remarkable as demonstrated by biophysical assays combining thioflavin-Tf luorescence, transmission electronic microscopy,c apillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.