This paper is a continuation of our previous work, where eleven basic classes of almost paracontact metric manifolds with respect to the covariant derivative of the structure tensor field were obtained. First we decompose one of the eleven classes into two classes and the basic classes of the considered manifolds become twelve. Also, we determine the classes of α-para-Sasakian, αpara-Kenmotsu, normal, paracontact metric, para-Sasakian, K-paracontact and quasi-para-Sasakian manifolds. Moreover, we study 3-dimensional almost paracontact metric manifolds and show that they belong to four basic classes from the considered classification. We define an almost paracontact metric structure on any 3-dimensional Lie group and give concrete examples of Lie groups belonging to each of the four basic classes, characterized by commutators on the corresponding Lie algebras.Date: 17th October 2018.