Analysis of superconductivity in BaC1C-CxKCxBiOC3 on the bais of indirect-exchange mediated pairing Jansen, L.; Block, R.; Stepankin, V.
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AbstractAfter a critical survey of current interpretations of superconductivity in (Ba,K)BiO3, we present a quantitative analysis of this system, with emphasis on dependence of the critical temperature on potassium content and on pressure (external or 'chemical'). Adopting a BCS formalism, Cooper-pair formation is assumed not to be phonon-mediated, but to arise from indirect-exchange interactions between conduction electrons via oxygen anions (oxygen valence band), by analogy with previous analyses of cuprate high-T c superconductors. Numerical calculations are carried through with, and without, accounting for shrinkage of the lattice with increasing potassium content. Results for pressure gradients of T c, at varying doping, and T c under pressures up to 20 GPa, are compared with experimental data. Extension of the analysis to the bismuthate Ba(Pb,Bi)O 3 is outlined.