The paper develops a macro-economic analysis along broadly defined Post Keynesian and Kaleckian lines, which incorporates ecological constraints on the pace of economic growth. Since growth is viewed as demand-driven, this involves bringing demand into lin . A simple model of demand-driven growth is constructed from which some basic conclusions are drawn of the consequences of slower growth and lower investment including those for the rate of interest and the rate of profit. The macroeconomic policy to deliver full employment is indicated. The growth of the effective labour force and the -driven rate of growth explored. The macroeconomic analysis has to be embedded with analysis of the monetary and financial system. For this purpose a circuitist analysis is presented. The paper considers the ways in which the monetary and financial systems should be re-structured to be consistent with sustainable growth and low unemployment. The major aims of this re-structuring would be to underpin financial stability, and more importantly to focus the financial sector on the allocation of funds into environmentally friendly investment.