“…In this paper, we present a comprehensive compilation of all currently known occurrences, fossil and modern, of V. pseudosubstriata to assess its past and current extent and use data from weather stations in the vicinity of the modern findspots to infer its ecological range. Based on these inferences, we discuss possible reasons for the conspicuous (Ložek, 1954(Ložek, , 2001, 2 Milovice near Dolni Věstonice, Moravia, Czechia (Kovanda, 2009), 3 Pavlov near Dolni Věstonice, Moravia, Czechia (Ložek, 1967), 4 Horky nad Jizerou, on the Isar river, Bohemia, Czechia (Ložek, 1956), 5 Buda hills (Budai-hegység), near Budapest, Hungary (Krolopp, 1958), 6 Nyírábrány, eastern Hungary (Krolopp and Sümegi, 1992b), 7 Erfurt-Riethnordhausen, Thuringia, Germany (Meng, 1995), 8 Bíňa, Danube lowland, south-western Slovakia (Hošek et al, 2017), 9 Brehov, south of Trebišov, eastern Slovakia (Schmidt et al, 1978), 10 Mainz-Weisenau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (Bibus et al, 1996), 11 Molodova V, Dnjestr valley, Chernõvtsy province, western Ukraine (Ložek, 1976), 12 Halych I, Dnjestr valley, south-east Lviv, western Ukraine (Alexandrowicz et al, 2014), 13 Myrohoshcha I, south-west Rivne, Ukraine (Maier et al, 2020a).…”