Let Γ denote a bipartite graph with vertex set X, color partitions Y , Y ′ , and assume that every vertex in Y has eccentricity D ≥ 3. For z ∈ X and non-negative integer i, let Γ i (z) denote the set of vertices in X that are at distance i from z. Graph Γ is almost 2-Y -homogeneous whenever for all i (1 ≤ i ≤ D − 2) and for all x ∈ Y , y ∈ Γ 2 (x) and z ∈ Γ i (x) ∩ Γ i (y), the number of common neighbours of x and y which are at distance i − 1 from z is independent of the choice of x, y and z. In addition, if the above condition holds also for i = D − 1, then we say that Γ is 2-Y -homogeneous. Now, let Γ denote a distance-biregular graph. In this paper we study the intersection arrays of Γ and we give sufficient and necessary conditions under which Γ is (almost) 2-Yhomogeneous. In the case when Γ is 2-Y -homogeneous we write the intersection numbers of the color class Y in terms of three parameters.