Abstract. We prove that the moduli space M0,0(N, 2) of stable maps of degree 2 to the moduli space N of rank 2 stable bundles of fixed determinant over a smooth projective curve of genus g has two irreducible components which intersect transversely. One of them is Kirwan's partial desingularization MX of the moduli space MX of rank 2 semistable bundles with determinant isomorphic to OX (y − x) for some y ∈ X. The other component is the partial desingularization of PHom(sl (2) ∨ , W)/ /P GL(2) for a vector bundle W = R 1 π * L −2 (−x) of rank g over the Jacobian of X. We also show that the Hilbert scheme H, the Chow scheme C of conics in N and M0,0(N, 2) are related by explicit contractions.
IntroductionLet X be a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 3 over the complex number field. We fix x ∈ X throughout this paper. The moduli space N of rank 2 stable bundles over X with determinant O X (−x) is a smooth projective Fano variety whose Picard group is generated by a very ample line bundle Θ. (See [2].) The problem that we address in this paper is the following. Obviously the degree of a stable map f : C → N is defined as the degree ofis a vector bundle of rank g over J where L is a Poincaré bundle over J × X and π J : J × X → J is the projection.The purpose of this paper is to study the d = 2 case. This is particularly interesting because of Hecke correspondence which has been one of the most powerful tools in the study of moduli spaces of bundles. Let M X be the moduli space of rank 2 semistable bundles E with det E ∼ = O X (y − x) for some y ∈ X. This is a (3g − 2)-dimensional singular projective normal where M (2, 0) is the moduli space of semistable bundles of rank 2 and degree 0 over X and the bottom map is y → O X (y − x). Hecke correspondence refers to a diagram{ { w w w w w w w w wwhere q 1 is the projectivization of a universal bundle over N × X and q 0 is a P 1 -bundle over the stable part M s X . Hence for any θ ∈ M s X , we have a stable map Kirwan's partial desingularization is a systematic way to partially resolve the singularities of GIT quotients. The partial desingularization M X of M X (see [10]) is the consequence of two blowups first along the deepest stratumwhich is the locus of bundles ξ ⊕ ξ, ξ ∈X and then along the proper transform of the middle stratumwhich is the locus of bundles ξ 1 ⊕ ξ 2 , (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) ∈ K J where Z 2 interchanges ξ 1 and ξ 2 . The upshot is an orbifold M X which is singular along a nonsingular subvariety ∆X ∼ = P(S 2 A ∨ X ) where AX → Gr(2, W 0 ) is the universal rank 2 bundle on the relative Grassmannian of the bundleL 0 being the Poincaré line bundle overX × X and π :X × X →X being the projection. By blowing up M X along ∆X we obtain a (full) desingularization M X of M X . The exceptional divisor of the last blowup isfor some line bundle η over Gr(2, W 0 ) and the normal bundle is O(−1, −2) on the fibersAlthough the partial desingularization M X has been quite useful especially for cohomological computations, its moduli theoretic meaning has been unknown. We prove ...