Fluoropyruvate inactivated oxidized flavocytochrome b2 (baker's yeast L-lactate dehydrogenase) in a biphasic process yielding convex semilog plots of residual activity versus time. At each reagent concentration, rate constants k l and k2 for the two phases could be calculated by simulation studies using one of the schemes proposed by Ray and Koshland [J. Biol. Chern. (1961) 236, 1973: E + El (fully active) -+ E2 (inactive). When plotted as a function of reagent concentration, the values of k2, but not those of k l , showed a saturation effect. Inactivation was slowed down by D-lactate, a competitive inhibitor, and completely prevented by enzyme reduction. While no enzyme chemical modification could be demonstrated for the first step, the inactivation event of the second step could be ascribed to alkylation of a histidine belonging to proteolytic fragment p of the enzyme. The only histidine present in the fragment sequence is His-373. In the enzyme three-dimensional structure [Xia et al. (1987) Proc. Nut1 Acud. Sci. U S A 84, 2629-26331 His-373 is well located, close to the cofactor, to play the role of the activesite base required by the chemical mechanism. Alternative chemical interpretations of the kinetic scheme are discussed, so is the difference between flavocytochrome b2 inactivation by fluoropyruvate and bromopyruvate.Flavocytochrome b2 is a tetrameric protein found in yeast mitochondria. It catalyzes the oxidation of L-lactate to pyruvate and reduces monoelectronic acceptors such as cytochrome c in vivo [I] or ferricyanide. Each subunit (Mr = 57000) carries one FMN and one protoheme IX (heme b2) as non-covalently bound prosthetic groups [2, 31. The threedimensional structure of this bifunctional enzyme shows each monomer consists of two structural domains, a flavodehydrogenase and a cytochrome [4]. The latter, which is homologous to cytochrome b5, has been well characterized [5].The mechanism of flavin-catalyzed lactate oxidation and the process of intramolecular electron transfer between flavin and heme have been the object of numerous studies [3,6] (and references therein). In particular, it was proposed that the first catalytic step is the abstraction of a proton from lactate C2 (the so-called carbanion mechanism). Furthermore, several reagents were used for chemical modification experiments, in an attempt to identify active-site residues. Bromopyruvate was Sound to inactivate the oxidized enzyme; in the process a cysteine residue was affinity labeled and two other cysteines were nonspecifically modified [7 -91. In addition, the reaction of 2-oxo-3-butynoate, which also led to cysteine modification in the flavin-free enzyme, prevented its reconstitution with FMN [lo, 111. The results of these experiments suggested that Cys-200, Cys-216 and Cys-233 were close to each other in space and that their integrity was required for enzymatic activity and flavin binding [9, 11 -131. Finally, reaction of flavocytochrome b2 with phenylglyoxal suggested a role for an arginine residue in flavin binding [14]. This a...