a y l o r ~e~a r t f n e~~f qf ~~e r a t i o~s Research ABSTRACT This paper develops new "simple" victory"prediction conditions for a linear Lanchester-type model o f combat between two homogeneous forces with superimposed effects o f supporting fires not subject to attrition. These simple victory-prediction conditions involve only the initial conditions o f battle and certain assumptions about the nature o f temporal variations in the attrition-ratecoefficients. They are developed for a fixed-force-ratio-breakpoint battle by studying the force-ratio equation for the linear combat model. A n important consideration is shown to be required for developing such simple victoryprediction conditions: victory is not guaranteed i n a fixed-force-ratiobreakpoint battle even when the force ratio i\ always changing to the advantage o f one o f the combatants. One must specify additional conditions to hold for the cumulative fire effectivenesses o f the primary weapon systems in order to develop correct victory-prediction conditions. The inadequacy o f previous victory-prediction results is explained by examining (for the linear combat model without the supporting fires) new "exact" victory-prediction conditions, which show that even the range of possible battle outcomes may be significantly different for variable-coefficient and constant-coefficients models.
INT~ODUCTIONEven though combat between two military forces is a complex random process (see Note 1 on p. 65 of Taylor and Brown [211), as a consequence of F.W. Lanchester's [lo] pioneering 1914 work, from about the end of World War I1 military operations analysts have used simplified deterministic differential-equation models to develop insights into the dynamics of combat 11-3, 25-27], Today, Lanchester-~ype complex system models, which rely on modern digitai-computer technology for their implementation (see, for example, Bonder and Honig [3]), have been developed for various levels of combat, from combat between battalion-sized units [4] to theater-level operations [5,71 ([20] for further references). Nevertheless, a simple combat model may yield an understanding of important relations that are difficult to perceive in a more complex model, and such insights can provide valuable guidance for higher-resolution computerized investigations (see Bonder and Farrell f21 and Weiss 1271). In this paper we will develop new victory-prediction conditions for several such simplified Lanchester-type models of