Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes in inverted-V electron precipitation regions have been investigated ing particle and magnetic field data obtained from two antarctic sounding rockets S-310JA-11, and S-310JA-12, launched into quiet and active auroral arcs, respectively. These data have suggested the presence of a liltear relation between field-aligned current and fieldaligned potential difference, i.e., Jll = KVII , given by Fridman and Lemaire [1980] and Lyons [1980]. The density n and thermal energy E0of primary electrons have been obtMned by fitting accelerated Ma.xwellian distribution functions to tile observed electron energy spectra. It is found that the thermal energy E0 is larger illside the arcs than outside tile arcs for both the quiet and active arcs observed, suggesting that precipitating electrons are heated during the field-aligned acceleration. In contrast, tile electron density n is enhanced outside tile arcs for the quiet arc eVelit, while it is enhanced inside tile arcs for the active arc event. !,'r(,•l nn investigation of the relation between E0 and Vii and also the relation between Eo and ill, it is suggested that tile heating occurs effectively wheia tile current intensity exceeds a certain threshold and that the electron heating rate is 5-40% of the energy gain due to the field-aligned acceleration. Assuming that this heating is due to Jo,le heating thro,gh anomalous resistivity, it is also SUggest, e([ that tile total ano•alous resistivity along tile magnetic field line decreases with an increase of R.