Linear and quadratic trend surfaces were computed for textural, carbonate, clast, and heavy mineral properties of the Catfish Creek (Nissouri Stadial), Port Stanley (Port Bruce Stadial), Tavistock (Port Bruce Stadial), and Wentworth (Port Huron Stadial) tills.Catfish Creek Till pebble grade material provided trend surfaces reflecting the underlying bedrock. However, an overall lack of regional trends in Catfish Creek Till is consistent with field observations that indicate remarkable uniformity for this till over several hundred square kilometres, a phenomenon that is believed to reflect the high energy of this ice sheet. Carbonates in Port Stanley Till were found to increase from east to west as the Silurian-Devonian contact was crossed. Tavistock Till was found to have increasing sand content and decreasing silt content from northwest to southeast owing to incorporation of underlying glaciofluvial sediments; pebble trends reflect the underlying bedrock for the most part. Wentworth Till trend surfaces for carbonates and pebbles show high dolomite near the Niagara Escarpment to the east and northeast with a dilution of dolomite and influx of limestone to the southwest.The strong relationship of the trend surfaces to substrate materials indicates the basal nature of the tills and the local origin of most glacial deposits. Pebble lithologies provide much information about local bedrock and drift prospectors should give close consideration to coarse fragments.