We show that the (degree + 1)-list coloring problem can be solved deterministically in O(D • log n • log 2 ∆) rounds in the CONGEST model, where D is the diameter of the graph, n the number of nodes, and ∆ the maximum degree. Using the recent polylogarithmic-time deterministic network decomposition algorithm by Rozhoň and Ghaffari [STOC 2020], this implies the first efficient (i.e., poly log n-time) deterministic CONGEST algorithm for the (∆+1)coloring and the (degree+1)-list coloring problem. Previously the best known algorithm required 2 O( √ log n) rounds and was not based on network decompositions. Our techniques also lead to deterministic (degree + 1)-list coloring algorithms for the congested clique and the massively parallel computation (MPC) model. For the congested clique, we obtain an algorithm with time complexity O(log ∆•log log ∆), for the MPC model, we obtain algorithms with round complexity O(log 2 ∆) for the linear-memory regime and O(log 2 ∆+log n) for the sublinear memory regime.Distributed Graph Coloring. Computing a coloring with the optimal number of colors χ(G) was one of the first problems known to be NP-complete [Kar72]. In the distributed setting, one therefore aims for a more relaxed goal and the usual objective is to color a given graph G with ∆ + 1 colors, where ∆ is the maximum degree of G [BE13]. Note that any graph admits such a coloring and it can be computed by a simple sequential greedy algorithm. Despite the simplicity of the sequential algorithm, the question of determining the distributed complexity of computing a (∆ + 1)-coloring has been an extremely challenging question. In particular, while O(log n)-time randomized distributed (∆+1)-coloring algorithms have been known for more than 30 years, the question whether a similarly efficient (i.e., polylogarithmic time) deterministic distributed coloring algorithm exists remained one of the most important open problems in the area [BE13, GKM17] until it was resolved very recently by Rozhoň and Ghaffari [RG19]. In [RG19] the question was answered in the affirmative for the LOCAL model by designing an efficient deterministic distributed method to decompose the communication graph into a logarithmic number of subgraphs consisting of connected components (clusters) of polylogarithmic (weak) diameter, a structure known as a network decomposition [AGLP89]. It was known before that an efficient deterministic algorithm for network decomposition would essentially imply efficient determinstic LOCAL algorithms for all problems for which efficient randomized algorithms exist [Lin92, AGLP89, BE13, GKM17, GHK18].Note that due to the unbounded message size any (solvable) problem can be solved in diameter time in the LOCAL model by simply collecting the whole graph topology at one node, solving the problem locally (potentially using unbounded computational power), and redistributing the solution to the nodes. Thus the small diameter components of a network decomposition almost immediately give rise to an efficient (∆ + 1)coloring algorithm in the...