where q is any prime number congruent to 7 modulo 8, and let O be the ring of integers of K. The prime 2 splits in K, say 2O = pp * , and there is a unique Z 2 -extension K∞ of K which is unramified outside p. Let H be the Hilbert class field of K, and write H∞ = HK∞. Let M (H∞) be the maximal abelian 2-extension of H∞ which is unramified outside the primes above p, and put X(H∞) = Gal(M (H∞)/H∞). We prove that X(H∞) is always a finitely generated Z 2 -module, by an elliptic analogue of Sinnott's cyclotomic argument. We then use this result to prove for the first time the weak p-adic Leopoldt conjecture for the compositum J∞ of K∞ with arbitrary quadratic extensions J of H. We also prove some new cases of the finite generation of the Mordell-Weil group E(J∞) modulo torsion of certain elliptic curves E with complex multiplication by O.