A normed topological pseudovector group (NTPVG for short) is a valued topological group (V, +, · ) (not necessarily Abelian) endowed with a continuous scalar multiplicationt · x = t x for each t, s ∈ R + and x, y ∈ V. It is shown that every valued topological group can be isometrically and group-homomorphically embedded in a NTPVG as a closed subset by means of a functor. Locally compact NTPV groups are fully classified. It is shown that the (unbounded) Urysohn universal metric space can be endowed with a structure of a NTPV group of exponent 2.Keywords Normed vector spaces · Topological groups · Locally compact groups · Valued groups · Dynamical systems · Urysohn universal metric space
Mathematics Subject Classifications (2010) 22A99 · 46B99 · 46A99Normed vector spaces are metrizable topological groups of a very special kind. One may say that these are groups 'modelled' on the additive group of real numbers. The possibility of multiplying elements of a group by reals in a homomorphic way and the convex structure of a group facilitate investigations of such groups and has many deep topological and geometric consequences. For example, every normed vector space is an absolute extensor for metric spaces ([5]; see also [2, Theorem II.3.1]), locally compact normed vector spaces are finite dimensional and are uniquely determined (up to topological group isomorphism) by their dimension, non-locally compact completely metrizable normed spaces (that is, infinitedimensional Banach spaces [9]) as topological spaces are also uniquely determined P. Niemiec (B)