Abstract. We present a weakly closed, one-dimensional, line-free subgroup of the separable Banach space c that is not homeomorphic to complete Erdős space. The existence of this example disproves a conjecture of Dobrowolski, Grabowski, and Kawamura.Complete Erdős space was first featured by Erdős in [8], who proved that it is totally disconnected and one-dimensional. It can be represented by, for instance,where 2 is the Hilbert space of square summable real sequences. E c is a universal element of the class of almost zero-dimensional spaces; for background information see [11,9,3,4,5]. A subset of a topological space is called a C-set if it can be written as an intersection of clopen subsets of the space. A topological space is called almost zero-dimensional if every point has a neighbourhood basis consisting of C-sets. Every almost zero-dimensional space is at most one-dimensional; see [11,10,1].An additive subgroup of a vector space is called line-free if it does not contain nontrivial linear subspaces. It is remarked in [2] that a topological classification of the line-free closed subgroups of Banach spaces produces a classification of all closed subgroups of Banach spaces. Let G be an arbitrary nondiscrete, weakly closed, line-free, additive subgroup of a separable Banach space E. Dobrowolski, Grabowski, and Kawamura [7] proved that G is homeomorphic to complete Erdős space whenever E is reflexive. In addition, Ancel, Dobrowolski, and Grabowski [2] showed that E contains zero-dimensional examples of such groups G precisely if E contains an isomorphic copy of c 0 . These results prompted Dobrowolski, Grabowski, and Kawamura [7] to formulate the following
Conjecture. Every separable, nondiscrete, weakly closed, one-dimensional, linefree subgroup of a Banach space is homeomorphic to E c .We present a counterexample to this conjecture, thereby finding a new topological type that closed subgroups of Banach spaces can have. We shall distinguish our example from E c by the following property of E c . A topological space is called somewhere zero-dimensional if it contains a point at which the space is