A residually nilpotent group is k-parafree if all of its lower central series quotients match those of a free group of rank k. Magnus proved that kparafree groups of rank k are themselves free. We mimic this theory with surface groups playing the role of free groups. Our main result shows that the analog of Magnus' theorem is false in this setting.
IntroductionThis article is motivated by three stories. The first story concerns a theorem of Wilhelm Magnus. Recall that the lower central series of a group G is defined to bewhere [A, B] denotes the group generated by commutators of elements of A with elements of B. The rank of G is the size of a minimal generating set of G. In [1939], Magnus gave a beautiful characterization of free groups in terms of their lower central series.Theorem (Magnus' theorem on parafree groups). Let F k be a nonabelian free group of rank k and G a group of rank k.Following this result, Hanna Neumann inquired whether it was possible for two residually nilpotent groups G and G to have G/γ i (G) ∼ = G /γ i (G ) for all i without having G ∼ = G ; see [Liriano 2007]. Gilbert Baumslag [1967] gave a positive answer to this question by constructing what are now known as parafree groups that are not themselves free. A group G is parafree if(1) G is residually nilpotent, and (2) there exists a finitely generated free group F such that G/γ i (G) ∼ = F/γ i (F) for all i.MSC2000: 20F22.