LetSbe a commutative semigroup if not otherwise specified andf:S→ℝ. In this paper we consider the stability of exponential functional equations|f(x+σ(y))-g(x)f(y)|≤ϕ(x)or ϕ(y),|f(x+σ(y))-f(x)g(y)|≤ϕ(x)orϕ(y)for allx,y∈Sand whereσ:S→Sis an involution. As main results we investigate bounded and unbounded functions satisfying the above inequalities. As consequences of our results we obtain the Ulam-Hyers stability of functional equations (Chung and Chang (in press); Chávez and Sahoo (2011); Houston and Sahoo (2008); Jung and Bae (2003)) and a generalized result of Albert and Baker (1982).