Abstract. The generalized Hénon-Heiles system with an additional nonpolynomial term has been considered. In two nonintegrable cases with the help of the Painlevé test new special solutions have been found as converging Laurent series, depending on three parameters. For some values of these parameters the obtained Laurent series coincide with the Laurent series of the known elliptic solutions. The calculations have been made with use of computer algebra system REDUCE. The obtained local solutions can assist to find the elliptic three parameters solutions. The corresponding algorithm has been realized in REDUCE and Maple.
The Painlevé TestWhen we study some mechanical problem time is assumed to be real, whereas the integrability of motion equations is connected with the behavior of their solutions as functions of complex time. Solutions of a system of ODE's are regarded as analytic functions, maybe with isolated singular points. A singular point of a solution is said critical (as opposed to noncritical) if the solution is multivalued (single-valued) in its neighborhood and movable if its location depends on initial conditions. The general solution of an ODE of order N is the set of all solutions mentioned in the existence theorem of Cauchy, i.e. determined by the initial values. It depends on N arbitrary independent constants. A special solution is any solution obtained from the general solution by giving values to the arbitrary constants. A singular solution is any solution which is not special, i.e. which does not belong to the general solution. A system of ODE's has the Painlevé property if its general solution has no movable critical singularity point [1].The Painlevé test is any algorithm, which checks some necessary conditions for a differential equation to have the Painlevé property. The original algorithm, developed by P. Painlevé and used by him to find all the second order ODE's with Painlevé property, is known as the α-method. The method of S.V. Kovalevskaya [2] is not as general as the α-method, but much more simple. The remarkable property of this test is that it can be checked in a finite number of steps.