In this paper, we prove unique continuation properties for linear variable coefficient Schrödinger equations with bounded real potentials. Under certain smallness conditions on the leading coefficients, we prove that solutions decaying faster than any cubic exponential rate at two different times must be identically zero. Assuming a transversally anisotropic type condition, we recover the sharp Gaussian (quadratic exponential) rate in the series of works by Escauriaza–Kenig–Ponce–Vega [On uniqueness properties of solutions of Schrödinger equations, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 31(10–12) (2006) 1811–1823; Hardy’s uncertainty principle, convexity and Schrödinger evolutions, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 10(4) (2008) 883–907; The sharp Hardy uncertainty principle for Schrödinger evolutions, Duke Math. J. 155(1) (2010) 163–187].