“…If A is an affine complex arrangement, work of Kohno [Koh86], Esnault, Schechtman, Varchenko [ESV92], and Schechtman, Terao, Varchenko [STV95] gives sufficient conditions for a local system L on M (A) to insure the vanishing of the cohomology groups H i (M (A), L) for all i < rank(A). Similar conditions for the vanishing of cohomology of with coefficients in rank 1 local systems were given by Levin and Varchenko [LV12] for elliptic arrangements, and by Esterov and Takeuchi [ET17] for certain toric hypersurface arrangements. In turn, we provide in Corollary 2.9 a unified set of generic vanishing conditions for cohomology of local systems on complements of arrangements of smooth, complex algebraic hypersurfaces.…”