We study t-structures (on triangulated categories) that are closely related to weight structures. A t-structure couple t = (C t≤0 , C t≥0 ) is said to be adjacent to a weight structure w = (C w≤0 , C w≥0 ) if C t≥0 = C w≥0 . For a triangulated category C that satisfies the Brown representability property we prove that t that is adjacent to w exists if and only if w is smashing (i.e., C w≥0 is C -closed). The heart Ht of this t is the category of those functors Hw op → Ab that respect products (here Hw is the heart of w); the result has important applications. We prove several more statements on constructing t-structures starting from weight structures; we look for a strictly orthogonal t-structure t on some C ′ (where C, C ′ are triangulated subcategories of a common D) such that C ′ t≤0 (resp. C ′ t≥0 ) is characterized by the vanishing of morphisms from C w≥1 (resp. C w≤−1 ). Some of these results generalize properties of semi-orthogonal decompositions proved in the previous paper, and can be applied to various derived categories of (quasi)coherent sheaves on a scheme X that is projective over an affine noetherian one. We also study hearts of orthogonal t-structures and their restrictions, and prove some statements on "reconstructing" weight structures from orthogonal t-structures.The main tool of this paper is the notion of virtual t-truncations of (cohomological) functors; these are defined in terms of weight structures and "behave as if they come from t-truncations of representing objects" whether t exists or not.