Let R be a ring, (S, ≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : S → End(R) a monoid homomorphism. In this paper we study the ascending chain conditions on principal left (resp. right) ideals of the skew generalized power series ring R[ [S, ω]]. Among other results, it is shown that R[ [S, ω]] is a right archimedean reduced ring if S is an Artinian strictly totally ordered monoid, R is a right archimedean and S-rigid ring which satisfies the ACC on annihilators and ω s preserves nonunits of R for each s ∈ S. As a consequence we deduce that the power series rings, Laurent series rings, skew power series rings, skew Laurent series rings and generalized power series rings are reduced satisfying the ascending chain condition on principal left (or right) ideals. It is also proved that, the skew Laurent polynomial ring R[x, x −1 ; α] satisfies ACCPL(R), if R is α-rigid and satisfies ACCPL(R) and the ACC on left(resp. right) annihilators. Examples are provided to illustrate and delimit our results.