“…The problem of "distributing well" a large number of points on certain D ≥ 1-dimensional compact sets embedded in R D+1 is an interesting problem with numerous wide applications in diverse areas for example approximation theory, zeroes of extremal polynomials in all kinds of settings, singular operators for example Hilbert transforms, random matrix theory, crystal and molecule structure, electrostatics, special functions, Newtonian energy, extensions, alignment, number theory, manifold learning, clustering, shortest paths, codes and discrepancy, vision, signal processing and many others. See for example some references in [7,97,98,14,15,35,36,37,38,28,29,30,32,45,33,34,49,95,96,23,50,89,31,47,19,50,51,53,100,79,43] for a good overview. For some of our work in various approximation processes, operator theory, extremal polynomials, combinatorial and t-designs, codes and finite fields, extremal configurations, energy, discrepancy, manifold learning, potential theory, shortest paths, signal processing, vision and extensions can be found for example in the papers [6,7,22,23,24,28,29,31,…”