“…9* ofTable 9.1; Section 6.0.3;Kageyama and Mohan, 1983), one can get a 3-resolvable semi-regular GD design with parameters v = 12, b = 36, r = 12, k = 4'),1 = 0'),2 = 4, m = 4, n = 3, Le., a 3-resolvable (3; 8; O)-EB design with co = 1, 101 = 3/4, Po = 3, PI = 8, Lo = (I4-4-1141~)03-1131~, Ll = I40(I3-3-1131~).On the other hand, an affine 3-resolvable BIB design with parameters v = 49, b = 56, r = 24, k = 21,)' = 10, ql = 7, q2 = 9, j3 = 7, t = 8(Shrikhande and Raghavarao, 1963) produces a 21-resolvable semi-regular GD design with parameters v = 56, b = 392, r = 168, k = 24'),1 = 56,)'2 = 72, m = 8, n = 7, Le., a 21-resolvable (7; 48; O)-EB design with co = 1,101 = 35/36,po = 7, PI = 48, Lo = (Is-8-11s1~)07-1171~, Ll = Is 0 (17 _7-1171~).However, this design has larger values on parameters.…”