A power unit constituted by a reformer section, a H2 purification section and a fuel cell stack is being tested c/o the Dept. of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Università degli Studi di Milano, on the basis of a collaboration with HELBIO S.A. Hydrogen and Energy Production Systems, Patras (Greece), supplier of the unit, and some sponsors (Linea Energia S.p.A., Parco Tecnologico Padano and Provincia di Lodi, Italy). The system size allows to cogenerate 5 kWe (220 V, 50 Hz a.c.) + 5 kWt (hot water at 65°C) as peak output. Bioethanol, obtainable by different non-food-competitive biomass, is transformed into syngas by a prereforming and reforming reactors couple and the reformate is purified from CO to a concentration below 20 ppmv, suitable to feed a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack that will be integrated in the fuel processor in a second step of the experimentation. This result is achieved by feeding the reformate to two water gas shift reactors, connected in series and operating at high and low temperature, respectively. CO