“…Non-small cell lung cancer [128], [129], Improved survival mouse model [61] Not reported VV [128] Mesothelioma [61], Pancreatic adenocarcinoma [59] VSV [129] NDV [59] IFN-γ NDV [55] Melanoma [55], Mammary and colon carcinoma [62] Increased cytokine expression and improved DC maturation [62] Not Reported VSV [62] Increased T cell infiltration [55] Others: IL-18 [30], [108], IL-17 [130], TNF [55], MIP1a [131], FLT3L [131] NDV [55] Improved T cell responses Not reported VSV [130] AdV [108] HSV [30] Chemokines: CCL5 [65], CCL2 [67], CCL19 [132], CXCL11 [64], [133] VV [65,66,122,123] Colon carcinoma Improved DC maturation [65] Not reported HSV [67] Improved infiltration T helper cells and CTLs [64], [65], [132], [133] Induces a Th2 response, but reverts to a Th1 response in combination with DC vaccination [65] Co-stimulatory ligands B7.1/CD80 HSV [84] Neuroblastoma [84], Melanoma (patients) a [86] Immunity against rechallenge with tumor cells [84] Low g...…”