“…Early observations that FOCMA-S and FOCMA-L were antigenically cross-reactive have led to the hypothesis that FeLV induces a c-onc sequence in transformable cells and that the FOCMA-L thus induced was a tumor-specific antigen (Essex eta]., 1971a,b;Hardy et al, 1977Hardy et al, ,1980. This has been strengthened by the apparent dissociation between expression of FOCMA-L and of FeLV structural proteins: (1) FOCMA is not present on nontransformed, FeLV-infected fibroblasts or lymphocytes (Sliski eta]., 1977;Fleissner and Snyder, 1992), (2) FeLV proteins do not absorb FOCMA activity from naturally occurring viremic cat sera (Essex et al, 1971a,b;Stephenson eta]., 1977), (3) VN and anti-FOCMA (IMI or CDA) activity in cat sera are not correlated (Essex et al, 1971a,b) and (4) FOCMA is expressed on the surface of nonproducer (p27-negative) feline lymphoma cells . Furthermore~ a 707000 dalton protein immunoprecipitated from FeLV-negative lymphoma cells has been shown to have a tryptic peptide map analogous to a 70,000 dalton protein of FL74 (FeLV-positive Iymphoma)…”