The proton momentum distributions (PMD) and the elasticelectron scattering form factors F(q) of the ground state for someeven mass nuclei in the 2p-1f shell for 70Ge, 72Ge, 74Ge and 76Ge arecalculated by using the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model (CDFM)and expressed in terms of the fluctuation function (weight function)|F(x)|2. The fluctuation function has been related to the chargedensity distribution (CDD) of the nuclei and determined from thetheory and experiment. The property of the long-tail behavior at highmomentum region of the proton momentum distribution has beenobtained by both the theoretical and experimental fluctuationfunctions. The calculated form factors F (q) of all nuclei under studyare in good agreement with those of experimental data throughout allvalues of momentum transfer q.