The amino acid sequence of the light chain of the mouse monoclonal MOPC 173 immunoglobulin molecule (IgG2a,x) is presented. This kappa chain contains 214 residues. Comparisons of this sequence with murine kappa chains already published by other workers bring a confirmation of the large size of the murine Vx chain pool. A complete identity was found with the constant region of the light chain of MOPC 21 from residue 97 to residue 214.We have undertaken the determination of the complete amino acid sequence of the murine MOPC 173 immunoglobulin molecule, which is a monoclonal protein of the IgG2a (x) class [I]. A topological model of the molecule has been proposed, on the grounds of results derived from the isolation and characterization of the CNBr fragments of the entire molecule [2], and from the identification of the interchain and intrachain disulfide bridges [3,4]. The sequence of the CNBr fragments H1, H2, H3 (covering most of the V, region), and that of fragments H5 to H10, accounting for the hinge region and the Fc fragment have already been published [5 -71.We report in the present paper the amino acid sequence of the light chain of this molecule.
Isolation of the MOPC 173 ProteinPlasmacytomas which originated from Dr Potter's laboratory, were serially transplanted in Balb/c mice, in solid form, by subcutaneous injection of small tumor fragments. On the average, mice were bled three weeks after the transplantation. The immunoglobulin fraction of pooled sera was precipitated with ammonium sulfate (33 % saturation, final concentration), and was further purified by chromatography on DEAE cellulose (DE 52, Whatman) equilibrated with 0.017 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.3). Purity was checked by immunoelectrophoresis [8], using a rabbit antiserum against whole Balb/c mouse serum.
Isolation of the Light ChainsThe MOPC 173 immunoglobulin molecule (500mg) was mildly reduced in 0.1 M Tris buffer, 0.15 M NaC1, 0.002 M EDTA, pH 8.2, with dithiothreitol (Calbiochem), according to Frangione et al. [9] (except that the molarity of the reagent was 8 mM) and alkylated with a 2.5 molar excess of iodoacetamide. Chains were then separated by gel-filtration on a Sephadex G-100 superfine column ( 5 x 100 cm) equilibrated in 1.0 M propionic acid. Purity of the light chains was tested by polyacrylamide (7.5 %) gel electrophoresis according to Shapiro and Maize1 [lo].Complete reduction and alkylation of the isolated light chains was made according to Waxdal et al.[ 1 1 1.except that 8 M urea was used instead of guanidine. Whenever labelled peptides were required, alkylation was performed, according to Frangione et al. [9], by making the reduced solution 0.02 M with iodo['"C]acetic acid (Amersham), using a 0.1 M stock solution (specific activity 83 pCi/ml). Radioactivity was counted in a Packard spectrometer 3380.
Isolation of the CNBr FragmentsCNBr fragments were prepared by direct attack of the whole MOPC 173 molecule. Fragments L1 and L3 were isolated by successive steps of gel filtration, as previously descri...