We consider a one-dimensional Anderson model where the potential decays in average like n −α , α > 0. This simple model is known to display a rich phase diagram with different kinds of spectrum arising as the decay rate α varies.We review an article of Kiselev, Last and Simon where the authors show a.c. spectrum in the super-critical case α > 1 2 , a transition from singular continuous to pure point spectrum in the critical case α = 1 2 , and dense pure point spectrum in the sub-critical case α < 1 2 . We present complete proofs of the cases α ≥ 1 2 and simplify some arguments along the way. We complement the above result by discussing the dynamical aspects of the model. We give a simple argument showing that, despite of the spectral transition, transport occurs for all energies for α = 1 2 . Finally, we discuss a theorem of Simon on dynamical localization in the sub-critical region α < 1 2 . This implies, in particular, that the spectrum is pure point in this regime. 5.4. Absence of dynamical localization 12 6. Sub-critical case: Dynamical Localization 13 Appendix A. Some technical lemmas 13 A.1. Two results on unimodular matrices 13 A.2. Analysis of the Prüfer phases 16 References 18