For any open hyperbolic Riemann surface X, the Bergman kernel K, the logarithmic capacity c β , and the analytic capacity c B satisfy the inequality chain πK ≥ c 2 β ≥ c 2 B ; moreover, equality holds at a single point between any two of the three quantities if and only if X is biholomorphic to a disk possibly less a relatively closed polar set. In this paper, we extend the inequality chain by showing that c 2 B ≥ πv −1 (X) on planar domains, where v(•) is the Euclidean volume, and characterize the extremal cases when equality holds at one point. Similar rigidity theorems concerning the Szegö kernel, the higher-order Bergman kernels, and the sublevel sets of the Green's function are also developed. Additionally, we explore rigidity phenomena related to the multi-dimensional Suita conjecture for domains in C n , n ≥ 1.