Ultracold Fermi atoms confined in optical lattices coupled to quantized modes of an optical cavity are an ideal scenario to engineer quantum simulators in the strongly interacting regime. The system has both short range and cavity induced long range interactions. We propose such a scheme to investigate the coexistence of superfluid pairing, density order and quantum domains having antiferromagnetic or density order in the Hubbard model in a high finesse optical cavity at T = 0. We demonstrate that those phases can be accessed by properly tuning the linear polarizer of an external pump beam via the cavity back-action effect, while modulating the system doping. This allows emulate the typical scenarios of analog strongly correlated electronic systems.Introduction. Coupling ultracold quantum gases to high-finesse optical cavities is a novel scenario to explore many-body phases in the full quantum regime by exploiting the controllability of light-matter interaction [1,2]. Major experimental breakthroughs have been achieved in the quantum limit of both light and matter. For instance, the Dicke phase transition has been observed in a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to cavity modes [3]. Experimentally, it has been achieved the emergence and control of supersolid phases where the cavity backaction generates light-induced effective long-range interactions which compete with short-range interatomic interactions [4][5][6][7][8].On the theoretical side, recent studies have introduced settings where cavity fields generate gauge-fields [9, 10], artificial spin-orbit coupling [11], self-organized phases [12,13], topological phases [14,15], measurement induced entangled modes [16], induced magnetic and density order using measurement back action [17] and feedback control [18], dimerization [19], spin lattice systems [20] and quantum simulators based on global collective lightmatter interactions [21,22].