In this work we interpret the data showing unusually strong velocity dispersion of P-waves (up to 30%) and attenuation in a relatively narrow frequency range. The cross-hole and VSP data were measured in a reservoir, which is in the porous zone of the Silurian Kankakee Limestone Formation formed by vertical fractures within a porous matrix saturated by oil, and gas patches. Such a medium exhibits significant attenuation due to wave-induced fluid flow across the interfaces between different types of inclusions (fractures, fluid patches) and background. Other models of intrinsic attenuation (in particular squirt flow models) cannot explain the amount of observed dispersion when using realistic rock properties. In order to interpret data in a satisfactory way we develop a superposition model for fractured porous rocks accounting also for the patchy saturation effect. attenuation, dispersion, Biot's slow wave, poroelasticity, fractures, patchy-saturation PACS: 43.35.Cg, 91.30.Ab, 91.30.Cd, 91.60.QrOne of the main intrinsic seismic wave dissipation mechanisms is associated with the wave-induced flow of the pore fluid. This effect occurs in a heterogeneous porous medium when a passing wave induces a local pore pressure gradient on the interface between the inclusion and the background. In order to equilibrate pressure, viscous fluid moves across the interface. The magnitude of induced pore-pressure as a function of loading stress (incident wave) depends on bulk moduli of fluid, grains and matrix (dry skeleton) respectively, P-wave velocity modulus of the matrix and porosity (all these parameters are included in proportionality factor between fluid pressure and total stress called "material parameter" [1] usually denoted by R). Whichever parameter changes in inhomogeneities, a pressure gradient will be induced and we get, in principle, the same attenuation effect.In geologically realistic structures the contrast of length scales and elastic properties between inclusions and background material might be very large. One such scenario occurs in the patchy-saturation model [2,3] describing fluid-saturated porous rocks having patches of different fluid (gas). In this case the main cause of induced pore pressure gradient is the difference in bulk moduli of fluids. According to Norris [1]: "The general mechanism does not assume partial saturation, but only that the medium is inhomogeneous. For example, the pores could be completely saturated with liquid but the compressibility of the solid frame may vary with position. However, the diffusion is greater if the fluid compressibility varies significantly from point to point". The other scenario occurs in the fractured rock model, where the main cause of induced pore pressure gradient is the difference in elastic moduli of rock matrix in the background and in the fractures [4][5][6]. In all these studies similar behavior of attenuation versus frequency is observed. In fact, we can say that the overall attenuation is a result of the interference of two pairs of Biot's [7] slow wave...