Recent studies of holographic properties of massless higher-order gravities, whose linear spectrum contains only the (massless) graviton, yielded some universal relations in d = 4 dimensions between the holographic a, c charges and the overall coefficient factor C T of the energy-momentum tensor two-point function, namely c = 1 d−1 ℓ ∂a ∂ℓ = C T , where ℓ is the AdS radius. The second equality was shown to be valid in all dimensions. In this paper, we establish the first equality in d = 6 by examining these quantities from D = 7 higher-order gravities. Consequently the overall coefficient of the two-point function of the energy-momentum tensor is proportional to this c charge, generalizing the well-known d = 4 result. We identify the relevant c charge as the coefficient of a specific combination of the three type-B anomalies. Modulo total derivatives, this combination involves Riemann tensor at most linearly. †