The one-dimensional, standing wave field was investigated by using the one-microphone, sequential sampling method. Various acoustical variables including complex sound pressure, complex particle velocity, active intensity, reactive intensity, kinetic energy, and potential ABSTRACT In this paper, the application of four spatial transformations is investigated for the purpose of acoustical imaging (e.g., acoustical holography). These methods are (1) direct convolution (CONVO), (2) two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT), (3) Gauss-Hermite decomposition (GHD), and (4) singular value decomposition (SVD). The theoretical background of each spatial transformation method is reviewed and discussed. Next, the numerical implementations of these methods are performed. The processing algorithms of the four methods are evaluated and compared. In addition, the performance of these methods when used for the acoustic holographic imaging is compared on the basis of a numerical simulation. Finally, guidelines for choosing appropriate techniques and transformation parameters for imaging of vibrating surfaces in acoustic fields are included.