Efficient and rapid access to nanographenes and pextended fused heteroaromatics is important in materials science.H erein, we report ap alladium-catalyzed efficient one-step annulative p-extension (APEX) reaction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heteroaromatics, producing various p-extended aromatics.I nt he presence of ac ationic Pd complex, triflic acid, silver pivalate,a nd diiodobiaryls,d iverse unfunctionalized PAHs and heteroaromatics were directly transformed into larger PAHs,n anographenes,a nd p-extended fused heteroaromatics in as ingle step.I nt he reactions that afford[ 5]helicene substructures, simultaneous dehydrogenative ring closures occur at the fjord regions to form unprecedented larger nanographenes.T his successive APEX reaction is notable as it stiches five aryl-aryl bonds by CÀHf unctionalization in as ingle operation. Moreover,t he unique molecular structures,c rystal-packing structures,photophysical properties,and frontier molecular orbitals of the thus-formed nanographenes were elucidated. p-Extended fused aromatics have recently received much