Background and Purpose-This prospective study was conducted to compare the outcomes of surgical clipping and endovascular treatment in acute (Ͻ72 hours) aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Methods-One hundred nine consecutive patients were randomly assigned to either surgical (nϭ57) or endovascular (nϭ52) treatment. Clinical and neuropsychological outcome was assessed at 3 and 12 months after treatment; MRI of the brain was performed at 12 months. Follow-up angiography was scheduled after clipping and 3 and 12 months after endovascular treatment. Results-One year postoperatively, 43/41 (surgical/endovascular) patients had good or moderate recovery, 5/4 had severe disability or were in a vegetative state, and 9/7 had died (NS) according to intention to treat.