“…We also included measures of alternative mediating processes of perceived fluency and apprehension. We used a common fluency measure used in previous research, “How easy is each image to process” (1 = difficult to process , 7 = easy to process ; Auschaitrakul & Mukherjee, 2017; Han, Sohn, & Yoo, 2015; Kramer & Min Kim, 2007; Lee & Aaker, 2004; Lin & Shen, 2012; Mollen, Holland, Ruiter, Rimal, & Kok, 2016; Mrkva, Travers, & Van Boven, 2018; Yoon, Sarial-Abi, & Gürhan-Canli, 2012). 4 We measured apprehension by asking, “To what extent does each image make you feel uneasy?” (1 = not at all , 5 = extremely ; Makros & McCabe, 2003; McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971; Norman, Windell, Lynch, & Manchanda, 2011; Thompson, Sebastianelli, & Murray, 2009).…”