Sex work, or the exchange of sexual services for money or goods, is ubiquitous across eras and cultures. However, the practice of selling sex is often hidden due to stigma and the varying legal status of sex work. Online platforms that sex workers use to advertise services have become an increasingly important tool in studying a market that is largely hidden. Although prior literature has primarily shed light on sex work from a public health or policy perspective (focusing largely on female sex workers), there are few studies that empirically research patterns of service provision in online sex work. Little research has been done on understanding pricing and popularity in the market for commercial sex work. This study investigates the determinants of pricing and popularity in the market for commercial sexual services online by using data from the largest UK network of online sexual services, a platform that is the "industry-standard" for sex workers. While the size of these influences vary across genders, nationality, age, and services provided are shown to be primary drivers of rates and popularity in sex work.