The introduction of distance learning in higher educational medical estalishments underconditions of pandemia has led to a reorganization of the educational process usingnew teaching methods, information and communication technologies (online platforms,video communication programs). In the system of training a qualified physician, clinicalanatomy and operative surgery occupy a leading place, as it develops clinical thinking,stimulates teamwork and is the basis for further study of surgery.The aim of the article - to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of teachingclinical anatomy and operative surgery to foreign students in terms of distance learningand ways to improve them.Conclusions. The study of clinical anatomy and operative surgery by foreign studentsin the context of distance learning has a number of advantages and disadvantagescompared to the traditional form. The use of the online platform Moodle (with studymaterials) and the Microsoft Teams service made it possible to conduct video lecturesand seminars online using interactive teaching methods that promote the motivationincrease and independence of foreign students. "Virtual" operational interventions usingan interactive method is a business game which allows not only to study the stages ofoperations but also to consolidate the algorithm of actions in different circumstances. Theuse of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the educational process becomes theclinical anatomy mastering better, makes it possible to improve its surgical component,which is especially important in the absence of the possibility of training operations.