Markets face a constant dilemma regarding factors that can affect customer satisfaction with online shopping. The solution to this dilemma is especially important for those markets where online shopping is not sufficiently represented, such as the Serbian market. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the relationship of customer satisfaction and the various factors. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of certain factors of online shopping on customer satisfaction in the Serbian market. Accordingly, a research methodology and a measuring instrument were developed and implemented. The empirical research was conducted based on the survey questionnaire and the representative sample of 340 customers which made online purchases in Serbia for over two years. The conceptual model and the survey questionnaire included 20 variable items grouped into five basic dimensions: website quality, information availability, security, privacy and reliability. The validity of the developed methodology and the measurement instrument was tested using confirmatory factor analysis.The obtained results showed that, according to survey dimensions, in the case of Serbian market, users are not satisfied with online shopping services. It has been confirmed that satisfaction depends on the age structure of the customer, but it does not depend on the gender.