Évaluation du niveau d'aisance d'étudiants en pharmacie face à la validation des ordonnances. Intérêt d'un dispositif didactique contextualisé Assessment of the comfort level of a cohort of pharmacy students exposed to prescription validation. Relevance of a contextualized didactic device Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional study is the first part of a 10-step contextualized didactic device. The second part is an online questionnaire handed to third-year pharmacy students at Université de Montréal. The study was carried out using an online tool (SurveyMonkey, Palo Alto (CA), USA). Results: A total of 176 students provided complete and usable responses (participation rate: 95%). The contextualized didactic device raises participant awareness to the fact that they must make reasonable decisions (e.g. whether or not to validate a prescription). Conclusion: This study demonstrated the feasibility of using a contextualized didactic device to analyze and dispense a new drug. The data collected emphasizes the ability to adjust the comfort level regarding different actions based on various items of information. Most students state they are adequately trained to evaluate effectiveness, safety and compliance, but not so much on drug costs. It may be useful to consider more training on decision-making including the costs in pharmacy surroundings.