Human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the principle apolipoprotein of high-density lipoproteins that are critically involved in reverse cholesterol transport. The intrinsically flexibility of apoA-I has hindered studies of the structural and functional details of the protein. Our strategy is to study peptide models representing different regions of apoA-I. Our previous report on apoA-I demonstrated that this N-terminal region is unstructured and folds into ~ 60% α-helix with a moderate lipid binding affinity. We now present details of the conformation and lipid interaction of a C-terminal 46 residue peptide, apoA-I, encompassing putative helix repeats 10, 9 and the second half of repeat 8 from the C-terminus of apoA-I. Far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra show that apoA-I is also unfolded in aqueous solution. However, self-association induces ~ 50% α-helix in the peptide. The self-associated peptide exists mainly as a tetramer, as determined by native electrophoresis, cross-linking with glutaraldehyde and unfolding data from circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In the presence of a number of lipid mimicking detergents, above their CMC, ~ 60% α-helix was induced in the peptide. In contrast, SDS, an anionic lipid mimicking detergent, induced helical folding in the peptide at a concentration of ~ 0.003% (1 00 μM), ~ 70 fold below its typical CMC (0.17-0.23% or 6-8 mM). Both monomeric and tetrameric peptide can solublize dimyristoyl phosphatidyl choline (DMPC) liposomes and fold into ~ 60% α-helix. Fractionation by density gradient ultracentrifugation and visualization by negative staining electromicroscopy, demonstrated that the peptide binds to DMPC with high affinity to form at least two sizes of relatively homogenous discoidal HDL-like particles depending on the initial lipid:peptide ratio. The characteristics (lipid:peptide w/w, diameter and density) of both complexes are similar to those of plasma A-I/DMPC formed under similar conditions: small discoidal complexes (~ 3:1 w/w, ~ 110Å and ~ 1.10g/cm 3 ) formed at initial 1:1 w/w ratio and larger discoidal complexes ( ~ 4.6:1 w/w, ~ 165 Å and ~ 1.085g/cm 3 ) formed at initial 4:1 w/w ratio. The cross-linking of the peptide on the two sizes of disks is consistent with the calculated peptide numbers per particle, which result in sufficient helix to surround the lipid bilayer twice. Thus, our data provide direct evidence that this C-terminal region of apoA-I is responsible for the self-association of apoA-I, and this Cterminal peptide model can mimic the interaction with phospholipid of plasma apoA-I to form two sizes of homogenous discoidal complexes and thus may be responsible for apoA-I function in the formation and maintenance of HDL subspecies in plasma.The plasma concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is an inverse marker of potential cardiovascular disease. The well-documented anti-atherogenic function of HDL is related to its critical role in reverse cholesterol transport, such as mediation of cholestero...