We explore the role of the initial state on the onset of thermalization in isolated quantum many-body systems after a quench. The initial state is an eigenstate of an initial HamiltonianĤI and it evolves according to a different final HamiltonianĤF . If the initial state has a chaotic structure with respect toĤF , i.e., if it fills the energy shell ergodically, thermalization is certain to occur. This happens whenĤI is a full random matrix, because its states projected ontoĤF are fully delocalized. The results for the observables then agree with those obtained with thermal states at infinite temperature. However, finite real systems with few-body interactions, as the ones considered here, are deprived of fully extended eigenstates, even when described by a nonintegrable Hamiltonian. We examine how the initial state delocalizes as it gets closer to the middle of the spectrum ofĤF , causing the observables to approach thermal averages, be the models integrable or chaotic. Our numerical studies are based on initial states with energies that cover the entire lower half of the spectrum of one-dimensional Heisenberg spin-1/2 systems.