“…Kaesler and Waters (1972) is one of the first examples of the use of Fourier analysis in morphometrics. Eigenshape analysis, a procedure developed by Lohmann (1983), has been applied to ostracodes too (Schweitzer et al, 1986;Maness and Kaesler, 1987;Majoran, 1990;Schweitzer and Lohmann, 1990;Lohmann and Schweitzer, 1990). The late R. H. Benson added significant improvements to Procrustean analysis (Benson, 1976a(Benson, , 1982aSiegel and Benson, 1982) and morphometric analyses of marine ostracodes have been performed using landmark-based methods (Abe et al, 1988;Reyment and Bookstein, 1993;Reyment and Abe, 1994; cf.…”